Leech woman
Leech woman

leech woman

Forever young! Forever deadly! She lived off the life blood of male victims!.June Talbot: Did you say whiskey? Here's to you whiskey - guardian of all frustrated wives.Bertram Garvay: There's only one trouble with running away - you always meet yourself when you get there.But then she finds out the true reason for their sudden reconciliation is so that she can serve as his guinea pig. Sally Howard: Well, I know you advertised for old women, but the one in the office looks like she came right out of The Mummy's Tomb! When a very old African woman offers an ambitious endocrinologist the secret of eternal youth, he decides to take his estranged and no-longer-young-and-beautiful wife along with him on the safari.You will never escape me, you are the one in my dreams of blood! An endocrinologist in a dysfunctional marriage with an aging, alcoholic wife.What woman lives, who has passed the prime of her life, that would not give her remaining years to reclaim even a few moments of joy and happiness and to know the worship of men? Leech Woman, the (1960) Composer(s): Irving Gertz Released in: 1960 Genre: Horror, Science Fiction Other information.You try to hide what you are in the fumes of whisky.Malla then enters Pauls office, where she reveals to Paul, who considers her great old age 'creepy,' that as a child she was stolen from the Nandos tribe and sold into slavery.

leech woman

Well, that's a novelty - you're refusing anything with alcohol in it! I'm not used to seeing you sober this time of day. On her way out, she meets Malla, an elderly African woman who frightens June by promising her that Paul will die in order to give her life. Blu-ray Releases Details The Leech Woman Starring: Coleen Gray, Grant Williams, and Phillip Terry Director: Edward Dein Plot Synopsis Hoping to discover the.That's the real you, and that's the one I like, the one that hates me and gives me a chance to hate back. You know, I think I like you better when you're sloppy drunk and violent. One thing I can say for you, your approach is always different. It's interesting to watch a "bottle baby" defend her weakness.Paul Talbot (Phillip Terry, The Lost Weekend) drags his long-suffering wife, June (Coleen Gray, The Killing), to follow him to Africa. She is bothered by Paul’s treatment of June. FOREVER DEADLY Hoping to discover the secret to eternal youth, Dr. Sally ( Gloria Talbott, We’re No Angels, The Cyclops): Neil’s fiancee, and employee of Paul.Neil Foster ( Grant Williams, The Incredible Shrinking Man, The Monolith Monsters): A foolish, naive lawyer that is friends with June, and is disgusted with how Paul treats her.Young Malla ( Kim Hamilton, General Hospital): A livelier, happier, and obviously younger Malla.Her determination has helped her survive. All she wants to do is go to Africa, and find her tribe before she dies. Old Malla ( Estelle Hemsley) : A wise, patient woman, sold into slavery 140 years ago.He’s a gambler that risks his life, and career to find this mysterious tribe. Torch then set fire to the woman, killing her. Bertram Garvay ( John Van Dreelen, Von Ryan’s Express): A guide that the Talbots hire to help them find Malla’s tribe. Leech Woman is captured by an overweight woman, named Martha, and thrown into her fireplace and destroyed.A cold, difficult man that has little regard for human life. Paul Talbot ( Philip Terry, The Lost Weekend, The Monster and the Girl): A misogynist, that openly insults his wife. She wants a better life, but only does something about it when she is forced to act. She adores her husband but is mistreated by him at every turn. June Talbot ( Coleen Gray, Red River, The Killing): A heartbroken woman that has been drowning her sorrow for years.This is a great B movie, it’s fun to watch, and leaves you thinking about it afterwards. The Leech Woman has its flaws: the beginning is slow, and the ending is rushed, but that’s how the studio wanted it. Genre: Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi Stars: Coleen Gray, Grant Williams, Phillip Terry, Gloria Talbott Production: Universal IMDB: 4. It was released theatrically in 1960 on a double bill with the British film The Brides of Dracula. Most of the characters were interesting, mainly due to the actors, and actresses playing them. The Leech Woman The Leech Woman is a 1960 American horror film directed by Edward Dein. The ideas are interesting, and told in a compelling way. The themes are interesting, and well done for the budget, and care given to them which wasn’t much.

Leech woman