Autopano giga 2.0.6
Autopano giga 2.0.6

autopano giga 2.0.6

autopano giga 2.0.6

Post Ren­der­ing Final Image Processing.Assem­ble, Cor­rect, Choose Pro­jec­tion, Render.Asset Inges­tion - (2a) Phase 1, (2b) Phase 2.General WorkflowĪs with any good work­flow, it evolves… and over the past ten years-ish, my work­flow for my high-res­o­lu­tion stitch­ing has evolved and become refined as the soft­ware pack­ages, com­put­ing hard­ware, and my gen­er­al skills have progressed.īelow is a quick overview of my gen­er­al work­flow the descrip­tion fol­lows the chart. Take it for what it is, and don’t for­get to search for some of the tuto­ri­als it’s how I start­ed this pho­to­graph­ic process 10 years ago. Essen­tial­ly pro­vid­ing a gen­er­al overview of my approach to pro­duc­ing my high-res­o­lu­tion imagery.

#Autopano giga 2.0.6 how to

While there are plen­ty of tuto­ri­als on the Inter­net that cov­er how to use the var­i­ous soft­ware pack­ages, choose a pro­jec­tion type, blend & ren­der mech­a­nism type, etc., this arti­cle cov­ers the tools I uti­lize “post image cap­ture” to assem­ble the indi­vid­ual frames. In my post about 5 dif­fer­ent meth­ods to obtain­ing large for­mat stitched imagery, I spoke about the var­i­ous ways to achieve image cap­ture for high-res­o­lu­tion imagery.

Autopano giga 2.0.6